
Linux Ubuntu ... Future Top Operating System

Course Objectives:
  - Understand what is the operating system and its role in the computer.
  - Understand the meaning and the philosophy of open source software.
  - Identify the operating system and Linux distribution Ubuntu Ubuntu.
  - Access the student to use Ubuntu as a platform for using his PC.

Course contents:
  • identify the open-source software Open Source.
  • Identify the operating system Linux and its own terms.
  • install the Ubuntu Linux operating system in multiple ways.
  • Modify the format and operating system settings.
  • Understand and browse the file system the system.
  • Internet connection and the use of browsers and e-mail.
  • use some basic programs to edit files and images.
  • How to get help in using the system.

* Note: This session provided by the company by Open Vision OPEN VISION for training and deployment.

Let's start together ...........

The first lesson :

Identify the Linux operating system and the terminology of the important

The contents of the lecture today:

- What is Linux
- Why we use Linux
- What is Ubuntu Ubuntu

First: What is Linux?

      Will answer this question through the following points:

    1 - Linux is an open source and free operating system

    2 -Linux Is not UNIX, It's a UNIX-Like 

        It's Built by cooperation between GNU Project and Linus Torvalds' kernel 

But what the meaning of an operating system? The meaning of open source?

Let's start with the sense of operating system
Operating system is the most important computer programs of all times, and the interface between you and the physical components of the computer. If you notice all of what you do on the computer you will not see yourself and do not use physical components, but only use the software operating system allows you to work on it. The operating system does the following:

- Deal direct and manage the physical components of the Computer Hardware
- Management of the programs you are running. Where the system loads programs into memory         receives orders from the program (calculator, for example) and then sent to the processor for the   implementation.
- Memory management and how to run more than one program at the same time.

Many examples of operating systems including:
Linux, Unix, Mac OS, Dos, Windows ME, Windows 7

Different operating systems in:
- Ways of managing the physical components, files and programs
- The type of applications that work on
- The form the user interface.
- Speed ​​and stability
- Others ...

This is the operating system.

Keep the meaning of open source Open Source

Software for dealing with the phrase "open source" follows:
- To be codes (commands that are written by programmers during the software industry) are available to all.
- Allows the deployment of programs and learn from them and the dissemination of knowledge and develop programs easily and also allows collaboration between programmers to develop software more efficiently.
- And also encourage programmers to volunteer programs to solve problems and work to raise the efficiency of the permanent. And benefit from that also users with up to them in the end, programs that run efficiently and lead requirements.

Linux Is not UNIX, It's a UNIX-Like

You might have heard the word close to the Unix and Linux. To explain the difference together explain how the Linux

UNIX is a Unix operating system (Do you know what the meaning of an operating system?) Is designed to take advantage of old computers and larger in order to perform all the functions of the operating system mentioned above.
Unix system, not the forces of open source.
There is currently operating systems based on Unix and follow the same qualities and Standards for Balyuncs such as HP UX, IBM AIX, Sun Solaris

One of the programmers at the Institute of MIT called Richard Stallman set up a project aimed at making Unix-like operating system and with the same strength and be open-source. Indeed, he initiates the project and the construction of multiple software tools for the system.
At that time there was a very important part of the system was not available free of charge, a kernel Kernel is the most important part of the operating system and the complex functions such as communication and dealing with the hardware.

Appeared at this time, a new college graduates Linus Torvalds provide the Kernel of the Linux project, called upon his name Linus to be completed this open-source operating system complete GNU / Linux and who revolutionized the world of software and operating systems.

Do you know now what is the term GNU / Linux that you see often in the pages of the Internet and in books?

Second: Why use Linux?

For many reasons, including:

- Free
- Open Source
- Forces and newly designed. Modern design puts him what was the previous Alatzma addressed as key components in it from the beginning.
- No one factory for Linux. There are many, and choose what you love
- Thousands of free programs available on Linux
- Fixed (or stop Thennej system is almost non-existent for the other systems) and this is not the words of books, but for all of the experiments they used
- Does not exist for viruses.
- Update the permanent free
- The availability of assistance through the many Linux Forums and online help that came with the system

What is Ubuntu Ubuntu?

Ubuntu is a Linux distribution.

What is Linux distributions Linux Distributions?

As mentioned earlier the word Linux is the kernel Kernel either operating system les Noah only, but many, many tools such as tools that allow you to install new software, and delete Package Manager and user interface GUI and file manager that you use to describe and copy and move files File Manager and many other things.

All of these tools integrated with the system kernel and other parts of the operating system distribution called Distribution.

There are thousands of Linux distributions you can see many of them on the site distrowatch.com
This site also ranks distributions in terms of larger number of load each.

Ubuntu Ubuntu is one of those distributions and best known for the personal use Bsaolth features and simplicity of dealing with it, possibly making it an ideal operating system for personal use. There are also versions of it for servers

There are many other distributions such as Redhat, Fedors, Suse, Ment, Centos ,.... and more

Additional information on Ubuntu:
- Established 2004
- Is sponsored by Canonical
- Mof Ubuntu www.ubuntu.com You can download it here
- The latest version 11.04
- More than 12 million users worldwide
- The size of the cylinder 600 MB
- An area of ​​the required system on the volume, 2.6 GB

These are some videos from the last version of the Ubuntu versions 11.04

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