Since the simple and specifically on 28 August had been penetration site Linux kernel by some anonymous, where the server has been shut down the site and restart it.
Field Directors website reported that he is not modified any file in the repository the kernel or add / remove any file, even if this happened, Luckily site core of the Linux works by versions of git, written by Linus Torvalds himself so it is possible to easily determine which files been modified and removed, of course, is still investigating this incident continues to now, still has these acts of sabotage unknown ..
Also today, the penetration site of the Linux Foundation The Linux Foundation!
Hack also included all the sites of the servers Foundation for Linux in addition to the suspension of all of these sites to the moment for maintenance, and there is a belief by the Foundation for Linux, said the attack is linked hacked site kernel, which occurred on August 28 and caused a stop for a while, still anonymous information currently Valachteraq did not occur until a few minutes ago!
The Linux Foundation has advised all users of sites belonging to its servers to change their SSH keys to avoid any harm to them, If there is any new information about this institution hacking you would report them officially.
Well now, let us turn to the analysis, who did this and why? And how?
First you that Aafarah Mstkhaddmwa other systems on themselves and say has been compromised Linux!, Thing that was breakthrough here is the server, the server = core components + software, and the cause of the hacking multiple is not the server, it is a bug that in one software been used on the server, of course Linux servers do not break down so easily, otherwise we would have seen Google or Facebook now!
But the discovery of a bug is on a small software on the server for the Linux and specifically on the Server Foundation for Linux and the location of the nucleus is very difficult, so it did this hack is a professional definitely or one of the workers in the management of these sites, and who knows? Perhaps we will know who did this hack after some analysis by the Foundation for Linux ..
Well, but What is the motive to penetrate these sites?
Many possibilities, perhaps for fun, and perhaps to show that hackers can penetrate up to Foundation Web site for Linux believer significantly, or may be a message to users of Linux that does not have anything 100% secure, everything is as long as it is man-made can be breakthrough by humans .. Or perhaps one of the enemies of Linux and free software rivals, yes it is Microsoft!
Of course, these are just odds and expectations and no such thing is certain here, the information on the hack is not available yet, but it has an interest in the penetration of such sites? I leave the answer for you ..
But Linux Aabatal! How?!
As we said previously, everything can be as long as the breakthrough that it is man-made, Linux servers can not be penetrated only with skill and high professional-like miracle, but it can with less difficulty penetrating the software by, for example, Do you remember the third generation of VB? By many of the ills known and can easily penetrate any forum that works only in the case that the work of patching .. Same thing here, a hacker may have found a loophole in the programs that run on server and has access to the data server and the server to stop all the way ..
This is the personal analysis is modest experience in servers = 0 D:
And waiting for your comments ..
Field Directors website reported that he is not modified any file in the repository the kernel or add / remove any file, even if this happened, Luckily site core of the Linux works by versions of git, written by Linus Torvalds himself so it is possible to easily determine which files been modified and removed, of course, is still investigating this incident continues to now, still has these acts of sabotage unknown ..
Also today, the penetration site of the Linux Foundation The Linux Foundation!
Hack also included all the sites of the servers Foundation for Linux in addition to the suspension of all of these sites to the moment for maintenance, and there is a belief by the Foundation for Linux, said the attack is linked hacked site kernel, which occurred on August 28 and caused a stop for a while, still anonymous information currently Valachteraq did not occur until a few minutes ago!
The Linux Foundation has advised all users of sites belonging to its servers to change their SSH keys to avoid any harm to them, If there is any new information about this institution hacking you would report them officially.
Well now, let us turn to the analysis, who did this and why? And how?
First you that Aafarah Mstkhaddmwa other systems on themselves and say has been compromised Linux!, Thing that was breakthrough here is the server, the server = core components + software, and the cause of the hacking multiple is not the server, it is a bug that in one software been used on the server, of course Linux servers do not break down so easily, otherwise we would have seen Google or Facebook now!
But the discovery of a bug is on a small software on the server for the Linux and specifically on the Server Foundation for Linux and the location of the nucleus is very difficult, so it did this hack is a professional definitely or one of the workers in the management of these sites, and who knows? Perhaps we will know who did this hack after some analysis by the Foundation for Linux ..
Well, but What is the motive to penetrate these sites?
Many possibilities, perhaps for fun, and perhaps to show that hackers can penetrate up to Foundation Web site for Linux believer significantly, or may be a message to users of Linux that does not have anything 100% secure, everything is as long as it is man-made can be breakthrough by humans .. Or perhaps one of the enemies of Linux and free software rivals, yes it is Microsoft!
Of course, these are just odds and expectations and no such thing is certain here, the information on the hack is not available yet, but it has an interest in the penetration of such sites? I leave the answer for you ..
But Linux Aabatal! How?!
As we said previously, everything can be as long as the breakthrough that it is man-made, Linux servers can not be penetrated only with skill and high professional-like miracle, but it can with less difficulty penetrating the software by, for example, Do you remember the third generation of VB? By many of the ills known and can easily penetrate any forum that works only in the case that the work of patching .. Same thing here, a hacker may have found a loophole in the programs that run on server and has access to the data server and the server to stop all the way ..
This is the personal analysis is modest experience in servers = 0 D:
And waiting for your comments ..
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